At Jessup University, we want you to become exceptionally employable through purposeful experiences aimed at equipping you for your career and lifelong learning. The Office of Career Services and External Workforce Partnerships exists to support those experiences through career counseling, occupational exploration, internship and job search preparation, career readiness workshops and other events to expose you to a variety of opportunities to network, connect and LAUNCH.
Located in the Paul Nystrom Library | Instagram – Jessup Careers | Facebook – Jessup Careers | Career Services on
Student & Alumni Services
- General Career Counseling
- Internship Opportunities
- Employment Preparation (Resume/cover letter assistance, connecting with local companies & industries, and labor market information/research)
- Interview Techniques (counsel, role play, critique)
- Professional Dress
- Job Search Strategies
- How to Create a Career Plan
- Join our Career Readiness courses
- Vocational Skills and Interest Assessments (Online)
- Online Job Board for students and Alumni: Current job listings are posted at Jessup’s online Job Board. Put an A0 in front of your entire student ID and that is your Access ID for the job board.
- Financial Literacy Guidance and Support. For information and planning regarding Financial Basics, Paying for College, College Life and World of Work, visit CashCourse
- Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and Strong Interest Inventory (SII):
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator(MBTI) is a personality assessment that provides a framework for understanding one’s self, one another, work environments in relationship to personality, and much more. We offer the MBTI Career report, which offers students and alumni the knowledge of how their type affects their career exploration and how different work environments align best with their personality. View a sample report. The cost of this report is $16.95 plus tax.
The Strong Interest Inventory (SII) is an interest assessment that indicates one’s interest areas and links them to jobs, career fields, and work settings. This is particularly helpful for alumni who are ready to transition to a new job or anyone who wants to explore their career options. View a sample report. The cost of this report is $9.95 plus tax.
If you are interested in taking an assessment and sitting down with a career counselor to interpret your results with you, please contact the Career Services Office at or 916-577-1815 for further instructions on how to do so.
Employer Resources
What is an Internship?
An academic internship is a form of experiential education that integrates knowledge and theory learned in the classroom with practical application and skill development in a professional setting. Students earn academic credit, or there is some other connection to a degree-granting, educational institution. This work/learning arrangement is overseen by a faculty or staff member of an educational institution and by a designated employee of an organization. The internship is usually the length or equivalent of an academic term, may be part-time or full-time, paid or unpaid. An integral component of the experience that distinguishes it from other types of work is one or more forms of structured and deliberate reflection contained within learning agendas or objectives.
Jessup affirms the National Association of Colleges & Employers (NACE) position statement to determine what qualifies as an internship.
Starting An Internship Program-9th Edition
Starting an Internship:
Below are a few simple steps to assist you in creating a quality internship program at your business.
- Create a job description.
Students should be involved in academic or career-related work with limited clerical duties. In your job description, clearly define the role of the intern, including specific examples of job responsibilities with a clear definition of the department in which he/she will be working. - Identify the qualifications the student must possess. Sophomore through senior students are eligible to participate in an internship, depending upon your organization’s needs. You can request that a student have a strong interest in your field or require related coursework or skills.
- Develop a training plan.
Provide students with an orientation and training about their responsibilities. You can elevate their responsibilities and assignment duties as their skills develop. - Decide who will supervise and mentor.
A professional staff member, not another student, should provide training and general orientation to the intern. A mentor, who may or may not be the supervisor, can provide assistance with the intern’s professional development. - Determine the time commitment.
Internships vary from 4 to 40 hours per week and can range from 10 weeks to 12 months. The minimum time commitment, for an internship to be eligible for academic credit or transcript notation, requires a minimum of 100 hours in a semester (varies by program major). - Establish the salary.
Some internships are paid and others are not. Paid intern’s salaries are based on their work responsibilities and vary between industries. Some organizations provide benefits and some do not, however all organizations must provide worker’s compensation to paid interns and possess general liability coverage. Unpaid interns will be covered under a student accident insurance policy with Jessup. The US Department of Labor has established clear guidelines to support an unpaid internship. Please visit Dept of Labor FSLA to view this information. - Register and post your opportunity on Jessup Job Board. Jessup Job Board with College Central Network
- Provide evaluation and feedback.The supervisor should meet regularly with the intern, to guide and develop their learning objectives and give feedback for constructive growth. The supervisor will receive support
from the Career Services Office at Jessup, as well as from the professor that
oversees the internship course.
Micro-Internships: connect with Jessup students and alumni
We encourage our employer partners to consider posting short-term, professional, paid work experiences (i.e. Micro-Internships) which can be completed remotely.
Beyond providing you or your colleagues with immediate support on tasks, they also support your university recruiting efforts. Specifically, Micro-Internships help you identify, assess, and nurture students who may be prospective job candidates.
For students, Micro-Internships allow them to demonstrate their skills, explore career paths, and build relationships with prospective employers. These paid opportunities typically range from 5 to 40 hours of work and are projects that are similar to those completed during a typical internship.
Micro-Internships can be completed across all departments including:
Sales/Marketing | Human Resources | Strategy | Research | Operations and Support | Finance and Accounting | IT
To learn more and post projects, visit
Additional ways to connect:
- Informational Seminars: Join other experts to advise students about career and industry trends, and how to prepare for careers in your field.
- Mock Interviews: Participate in a process that tries to resemble a real interview as closely as possible, and provide experience for the student/candidate. The mock interview helps the student learn what is expected in a job interview, and improve the student’s self-presentation.
- Working Lunch Series: Have lunch with professors and students from a specific academic program area to share valuable industry insights. This process enables professors to keep their teaching content relevant to their students and current industry standards.
- Career & Internship Fair: Recruit students and alumni to your organization; held annually in the Spring.
- Campus Recruitment: Interested in meeting one-on-one with students for recruitment? Just schedule a visit through the Career Services Office by emailing or call 916.577.1815.
Useful Links
Jessup Job Board with College Central Network
Jessup students and alumni can search part time, full time, internship and community service positions posted just for Jessup. Students and alumni also have access to national job boards, national internship posting and valuable career resources. Build your resume and portfolio for easy virtual storage.
LinkedIn Jobs:
LinkedIn Jobs homepage currently includes a powerful job search tool, job-seeker and career development support and rich-media presentations crafted by industry experts for logged-in LinkedIn members and guests. The suite of tools includes:
- New job details pages with rich insights on how students relate to the job and a preview of the team they might be working with.
- A new jobs homepage with highly customized recommendations and content from our publishing ecosystem including LinkedIn Influencers, members and news publishers
- A completely re-designed job search experience
Resume Templates by
Thanks to a partnership with Resume Target, a professional resume writing service, William Jessup University is pleased to offer access to career related information and resume templates.
The Campus Career Coach
Practical answers to career questions for college students. Tons of useful links!
UEI (University Enterprises Inc.)
An auxiliary of Sacramento State University, partners with state and local government agencies to fill part time student employment positions around the state, with special emphasis in Sacramento. Gives great opportunity for exposure in various state agencies. Registered Jessup students only.
Intern Match
Helps you quickly search available internships by location, company or job title.
What Can I Do With This Major?
Whether you are exploring multiple majors or searching for information about your chosen field, this site will help you connect majors to careers. Learn about the typical career areas and the types of employers that hire people with each major, as well as strategies to make you a more marketable candidate. Continue your research on majors and careers through the websites provided.
My Next Move
Search over 900 different careers and see important information including skills, tasks, technologies, salaries, and employment outlook. Discover related apprenticeships and training, and search actual job openings. Find careers through a keyword search; by browsing industries; or through the new 60-item, web-based O*NET Interest Profiler Short Form, a tool that offers career suggestions based on a person’s interests and level of work experience. My Next Move was developed by the National Center for O*NET Development through a cooperative grant agreement with the U.S. Department of Labor.
Find out how to become any career – your first stop for career exploration.
An online resource to navigate California’s workforce services, which provides employment and labor market information for the state of California. The enhanced system allows users to easily search for jobs, build résumés, access career resources, find qualified candidates for employment, and gather information on education and training programs.
California Career Zone
Perform easy self-assessments and explore various job families.
O*Net Online
Build your future with O*Net Online -your tool for career exploration and job analysis! O*NET OnLine has detailed descriptions of the world of work for use by job seekers, workforce development and HR professionals, students, researchers, and more!
Investigate more than 150,000 pages about online degrees and universities, jobs and occupations, and entrepreneurial opportunities from the #1 site for career resources in the United States, Canada and across the world. Find detailed information about hundreds of colleges and universities in the United States and abroad, along with in-depth profiles of thousands of related academic programs, occupations and industries.
NACE Salary Calculator for Colleges
Allows students and employers access to current, accurate salary data through the NACE Salary Calculator
Provides an inside look at company reviews, interview questions, & salary information for thousands of jobs.
For those planning on doing business oversees, a go-to place to learn business customs and culture.
Mind Tools
Helps you learn the practical, straightforward skills you need to excel in your career. Used together, these skills can help you become exceptionally effective, be a great manager and leader, be more successful in your career – and even become happier at work.
We call these skills “mind tools”, because that’s what they are. We believe that anyone can learn and use these simple processes and techniques to make the very most of their careers.
Connects believers to the workplace.
Reputation Management
Find out how to become any career – your first stop for career exploration.
Ministry Jobs, is a completely FREE resource for students and alumni to post their resumes to gain exposure. This job board is for ALL forms of ministry – from children ministry to missions, from worship to facilities – churches and organizations can list their open positions.
Discover ZipRecruiter for job leads dedicated to college students for internships and entry-level opportunities, with tips on job searching, interviewing and more. To check out medium-sized businesses with internships and entry-level jobs, give it a try!
Career Readiness Videos
Career Services Office
Located in the Paul Nystrom Library.
Contact the Career Services Office:
Instagram – Jessup Careers
Facebook – Jessup Careers
Career Services on

Integrating Faith and Mental Health in College
Jessilyn Prichard is a Jessup Class of 2022 psychology graduate who is passionate about career exploration and helping students integrate faith and mental health during their time in college.
Discover Jessup
Jessup University is a place where you’ll encounter God’s love, find a close-knit community, then graduate ready to lead in your chosen field.
We’re ready to come alongside you and cheer you on toward the life of impact God has for you.