拥有20多个本科学位, 信仰融入到每一个项目中, Jessup’s undergraduate students encounter God’s love throughout their studies then graduate equipped to lead in their chosen field. 自1939年起就扎根于社区的价值, 杰瑟普也允许学生, 教师, 让员工有机会定期联系,共同成长. Use the button below to request more information about the Christ-centered undergraduate community here at Jessup.
Check out the New Warrior Checklist that takes you all the way from applying to your first day of classes.


- 四年英语(文学和写作)
- 3年数学(最低代数I) & 二、几何)
- 三年理科(一般. 科学 & (生物、化学或物理)
- 3年社会科学(美国 & 世界历史、政府/经济)
- 2年一门外语(接受手语)
- 1-4年的学术选修课(数学/科学/社会科学)
虽然杰赛普没有设定最低的学术GPA或标准化考试标准, 我们实行选择性录取. It is recommended that a high school student follow a competitive college preparatory plan that most high schools have established. 申请人的学习成绩, 支持文档, 道德品质, and willingness to comply with the standards and values of the University are considered before a final decision is made.
获得成功. 在高中就获得大学学分.
杰塞普大学为高中学生提供双学分和双招生课程, 使他们能够从地区认可的大学获得大学学分. High school students can earn an associate degree while completing college and high school credit at a discounted rate of up to 93%.
我们提供双注册课程,比传统学费低得多. 另外, if students complete 30 or more units through Jessup Dual Enrollment and/or Dual Credit while in high school, 得到一个3.0累积绩点, they will receive a special scholarship applicable toward their Jessup undergraduate degree.
欲了解更多信息和申请大学快速通道,请访问 jessup.edu/fasttrack.

Applicants who have completed more than 30 solid academic semester units at the time of application will have their admission evaluation done primarily on the basis of college work. 另一方面, if you have completed less than 30 solid academic semester units at the time of application, your admission evaluation will be done primarily on the basis of your final high school transcript, SAT/ACT成绩和完成大学学业. Note: the coursework considered for admission may differ from what coursework is actually transferable. 在大多数情况下, a transfer student will transfer in more semester units than were used for the admission decision.
标准 & 值
除了学习成绩, 申请人的证明文件, 道德品质, and willingness to comply with the standards and values of the University are considered before a final decision is made. 重要提示:如果你欠以前学校的钱, that balance must be paid in full and verified before you can be considered for admission to Jessup.
清晰度的协议 & 传输信息
杰瑟普维护着一份完整的衔接协议清单 & 传输信息 for over 15 local colleges along with department specific information. 清晰度的协议 & 传输信息

首页school students are a vital part of our campus community and bring unique and valuable experiences. We even offer a scholarship for incoming first-time freshman who have completed all four years of their high school education through an approved homeschool network.
It is advised to have transcripts produced by official third party homeschool organizations/networks to minimize scrutiny as to the validity of the grading. 如果没有成绩单, scores from the GED exam or the California Proficiency Exam are required and must be submitted by stated application deadlines.
- 四年英语(文学和写作)
- 3年数学(最低代数I) & 二、几何)
- 三年理科(一般. 科学 & (生物、化学或物理)
- 3年社会科学(美国 & 世界历史、政府/经济)
- 2年一门外语(接受手语)
- 1-4年的学术选修课(数学/科学/社会科学)
我们很高兴知道你有兴趣重新入学. 希望回到杰赛普的学生对我们来说非常重要. 的 申请再入境 is intended for use by a former Jessup traditional undergraduate student who:
- Withdrew from the university without filing an official Leave of Absence form through the Registrar’s Office
- 允许官方请假时间参数失效
- 想在学术解雇后的一个日历年之后返回吗.
请下载并填写 申请再入境. 如果您有任何问题,请不要犹豫与我们联系.
国际 students play an important role in enhancing the cross cultural experiences of the student body. 的re are specific entrance requirements and procedures for international student applicants that may differ from an applicant who is a U.S. 公民. 高中或学院/大学课程的优势, 由SAT或ACT成绩证明的学术能力记录, 托福成绩和申请表上的问题在决定录取时很重要. Jessup applicants who submit academic records for coursework taken outside the United States must submit those records to any credential evaluator approved by the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (南汽). 浏览获批准的服务供应商名单,请浏览以下连结: 凭证评估服务. 学生需支付相关费用.
的 TOEFL (Test of 英语 as a Foreign Langu年龄) exam is required of all international students and must be taken before acceptance to the university is granted. You can be exempt from taking the TOEFL if you have completed at least 4 years of full-time study at a secondary or post-secondary level in which 英语 was the langu年龄 of instruction, and can provide a letter from the institution stating 英语 is the primary langu年龄 of instruction. 如果是这种情况,那么你必须提交SAT或ACT. SAT和ACT考试要求见下文.
托福考试的最低分数要求是a 550在纸上 测试(PBT)或a 90分在网络测试中 (iBT). 有关托福考试的一般信息查询可转发至:
P.O. 6151箱
普林斯顿,新泽西085441 -6151,美国
联系人: http://www.美国Educational Testing Service中心.org/toefl/contact
网站: http://www.美国Educational Testing Service中心.org/toefl
没有你.S. 外国学生可以获得政府援助,包括学生贷款. 然而,你可能有资格获得杰赛普学术和体育奖学金. 我们不提供全额学术或体育奖学金. 的se scholarships are only partial awards and will not cover the entire cost of an education at Jessup. 你将负责支付剩余的学费, 费用, 食宿, 书籍及用品, 杂项费用. 有关适用奖学金的详细信息,请与招生办公室联系.
You must provide official evidence of complete financial support for your annual educational costs at Jessup. 本学年的年度出勤费(COA)可在以下网站找到 I-20 F-1签证入学要求 文档. 年度COA包括学费、杂费、住宿费 & 伙食费、书费、用品费、交通费和杂费. 的 official evidence that the funds to cover COA are available must be shown by monthly bank statements 一年 总金额以美元计.S. dollars; it can be from more than one source.
的 U.S. 经济支持誓章(表格I-134) 作为官方证据最常用的形式是什么. On this 文档 the sponsor must state the exact duration and amount of money or provisions the sponsor intends to provide. If you have more than one sponsor, you must provide an Affidavit of Support form for each one. 有关经济支持誓章的详细说明: 支持说明宣誓书
If the international student’s personal funds are going to be used to pay for all or a portion of their educational costs at Jessup, 那么资金到位的官方证据必须提交给杰瑟普, 通过每月银行对账单显示, 一年, 总金额以美元计.S. 等于下列文件所列预算数额之一的美元:见 I-20 F-1签证入学要求 的数量.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Once the admissions requirements are completed and official 文档ation of complete and sufficient financial support for an I-20 are provided, 入学申请将被提交考虑. 如果你被录取了, 国际学生必须支付1美元,000 (US Dollars) enrollment deposit in order to reserve a spot and be eligible to register for classes. 如果国际学生在第一天上课前取消, 杰赛普会全额退还这1美元,000. 在收到入学保证金后,将向学生签发I-20. Each semester balance owed must be paid before starting classes or else be reported to INS.

每一所大学都是一个独立的个体,就像你一样. 参观校园是充分体验杰瑟普大学的最好方式. 我们有面对面以及虚拟选项,以满足您的需求. 拜访的时机总是对的,我们迫不及待地想尽快见到你!

杰瑟普大学是一个你会遇到上帝的爱的地方, 找一个关系紧密的社区, 然后毕业,准备好在你选择的领域发挥领导作用.
你注定要有所作为. 我们会帮你准备好的.
E: admissions@jessup.edu | P: (916) 577-2220